Monthly Real Estate Market Update October 2022

Monthly Real Estate Market Update October October 2022 vs. October 2021. Just a quick reminder… With Remembrance Day coming up this weekend, we’d like to ask everyone to go out and donate and get yourself a poppy. Please show your support for all the troops and those who have served our country.  So looking […]

5 Things You Should Consider Before Entering Into A Mortgage

5 Things You Should Consider Before Entering Into A Mortgage

Being in the market for a home your real estate agent may be asking what your budget is for your ideal home. For most buyers, you may be looking at getting a mortgage to cover some of the cost of purchasing a new home. You may be already aware of the basic idea of getting […]

Monthly Real Estate Market Update September 2022

Monthly Real Estate Market Update September 2022

Monthly Real Estate Market Update September 2022 September 2022 vs. September 2021. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and spent some good time with some loved ones. We are in the fall marketing so let’s delve into the stats!  The average units sold in all of our regions are down and the total units […]

5 Benefits Of Paying Off Your Mortgage Early

5 Benefits Of Paying Off Your Mortgage Early

You may have recently purchased a home with the help of a reliable real estate agent or have been a homeowner for a number of years now. No matter if you are a new or current homeowner you are likely paying for your home through a long-term mortgage plan. Mortgages are the most prevalent type […]

Monthly Real Estate Market Update August 2022

monthly real estate market update august 2022

Monthly Real Estate Market Update August 2022 Quick side note thanks to Alex for covering July’s market update while I was away getting married! I’m now a happily married man, but let’s dive in to the stats! The average units sold in all of our regions are down and the total units sold were down […]